January 28, 2007

More on Week 1

My first post really only covered the first day of the first week of student teaching. Here's a little more about the rest of that week.

My participation primarily was assisting students with in class problems, in this case related to isosceles triangles. Again, this was very similar to the work I did during last semester's observations. On Thursday, I did teach a 20 minute question review session (with no prep or warning) on triangle midpoints for Vicki (another math teacher who was flu-stricken), with questionable success. A good lesson that no preparation is NOT a good thing.

On Wednesday, I had my first FIRST visit with the robotics team at B&L. My role is as a mentor to Bernard on the electrical team. We spent a few hours discussing options for the layout of the robot's electrical components. The team is very enthusiastic, and it's a great program and model for "real life". Teamwork, deadlines, requirements, committment - all required for success.

Other highlights of the week were the use of class time in TechKnow for the "Bonus" energy assignment, which required creating a ppt show describing at least 12 of the 22 chapters from "The Energy Story", a California state sponsored website.

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