November 18, 2007
Quarterly Update
I'm on my second teaching job already - and this is as good as it possibly could get. Regents Physics at Pittsford Mendon HS - Good school, good kids, close to home, 1 prep, lots of support from other teachers, another great physics teacher in the room next door, 2 more at the other district high school.
I have 9 days under my belt, although it feels like I've been there longer that that.
What happened to Bloomfield? Bottom line is that I got a better offer. I could have actually ended up staying there - I interviewed for a probationary math position, but didn't get an offer, so I didn't feel too bad about leaving the long term sub position.
I was prompted to get back into the blogging business because I finally have an opportunity to use blogs ala Darren Kuropatwa in Winnipeg. I'm going to get started this week and have the students fully engaged in writing scribe posts as soon as possible. This idea of documenting and explaining classroom work seems like such a great way to foster better understand.
August 22, 2007
New Job
It was not a fun or encouraging ride the past few months. I was all ready to abandon teaching for now, as I was not getting any calls whatsoever from my 14 or so applications. With cash flow becoming an issue, and no teaching jobs in the offing, I was all ready to put together my engineering resume, and began looking at what was out there. All the sudden, I began to get some calls and had interviews in the city and Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES. However, despite the fact that it's an LTS position, the opportunity at Bloomfield is fantastic, and will give me a great opportunity to get some real Science classroom experience.
Today was the first day of "New Teacher Training", and we'll go on from here....
April 23, 2007
Willink Week 6 plus 1 day
The highlight of the week was a decision to reteach a lesson on proportions. After the first 2 block cycles, I sensed some confusion on the concept of solving a proportion using cross multiplication. The review lesson focused on a step by step breakdown of the algebraic solution to an unknown in a proportion, followed by proactice, practice, practice. Through the 4 Math 7 blocks, there were a number of "aha" moments where the students got it. Each of those ahas meant they didn't have it before, so it was nice to get them into the plus column.
These final weeks seem to be coming faster than the first few of the semester, and I still hope to have the accelerated students prepared for a unit test, which I have planeed for Friday. Some of the topics I have been teaching have stretched well beyond the standards, and I may have created some frustration. I have now dialed back to just the standards, including homework and review focused only on the requirements.
A little disappointment - I had an interview at School Without Walls last Thursday, and it went really well. However, a position at a small, alternative school like SWW, and I'm sure they had many qualified candidates. So today I got the rejection notice, I'm sure the first of many!
April 15, 2007
Willink Week 5


April 13, 2007
Tangerine - Part 3
What we last checked in, Paul had become a War Eagle at Tangerine High. He certified his membership when, after getting mud smeared in his eyes, he jumped on the back of the perpetrator and commenced punching him in the head. This event served as Paul’s unplanned, but not unwanted, full initiation into the team.
Part 2 ended with Lake Windsor High and Tangerine High battling to a season-ending tie, giving the league championship to the War Eagles. Paul ended the season in goal, right where he always wanted to be. Part 3 is all about Paul’s transformation, growth and what could even be termed a re-birth. His feeling of community with the War Eagles extends to helping during a hard freeze that threatens the Cruz family citrus groves. Paul works all night to keep the smudge fires burning and the trees coated with protective ice, and becomes more and more a part of the Cruz – War Eagles clan.
The incident that triggers the final step in Paul’s transformation is when he secretly witnesses Luis Cruz being assaulted by Arthur Bauer. When Luis dies as a result six days later, events accelerate as the story comes full circle. As a fitting punishment for their abuse of Mike Costello’s brother and Luis’ assault, Erik Fisher and Arthur Bauer are attacked and beaten by Victor and Tino at a ceremony in honor of Mike. Wow – I think I need a scorecard. Paul helps Tino escape when he jumps on Coach Warner’s back. This particular action did however have a downside. While Paul earned the further respect of the Cruz family and the students of Tangerine High, it also led to his expulsion from the school.
After Paul explains the truth about Erik and Arthur, his transformation continues when he stands up to them outside the walls of Lake Windsor Downs, and the memories come back about his eye injury. It wasn’t a #@%& solar eclipse! It was Erik and another one of his goons who sprayed paint in Paul’s eyes. He wasn’t a dumb kid who stared at the sun – he was the victim of his parents protecting their older child. Finally he knew.
Paul’s final step to believing in himself comes on his last visit to Tangerine High. The other students knew he stood up for what was right, he stood up for Luis, and he stood up for telling the truth. Even though he would be heading to his third school this year, Paul Fisher grew into himself. He did more than come out from his brother’s shadow – Paul learned that Erik wasn’t enough of a person to even cast a shadow.
April 1, 2007
Willink Week 4
Since the students had a day off this past Friday due to grading of the math tests, Thursday was an "extra" odd block. My direction was to provide an enrichment day for the 2 classes I had that day. I signed out the smart board and we did a few interactive demos of the Pythagorean Theorem, played a game of math Jeopardy, and played some 3-d tic tac toe. Everyone had a chance to use the smartboard and get a feel for it, and most of the block had a math focus, so I felt it went well.
The challenge for this week is to complete the final standard in the current Math 7 unit - the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem. The students seem to be really with it as far as calculating the lengths of sides, so I'm expecting the converse will click right away.
In the accelerated class we've really pulled things together as far as the key algebraic idea of the unit - which concerns linear relationships, slope-intercept, graphing, patterns, and translating between all of the forms. This week we'll begin to look at the other aspects of the unit standards - the part about "telling a story", and what do particular relationships mean in words.
March 27, 2007
Thesis-Support Microtheme
The media consistently promotes the myth of the classless society.
Mass media, and especially television, is used to promote the idea that “the rich are just like us”, they have the same problems, they are all hard working, they face significant personal and professional issues, and the money they have doesn’t really mean much to them. They are friends to all of us, and there are no divisions of wealth or class to separate “us” from “them”.
Supporting Evidence (from Hooks, Bell – Where we stand: class matters):
Daytime and nighttime soap operas depict the lives of the rich as one sad crisis after another. They have numerous personal problems that all the money in the world will not cure.
The rich are also depicted in television shows are extremely hard working, just as any cook, janitor, or blue collar worker.
Most television shows promote the sense that nearly everyone is well-off, or will be very soon. They spend their money freely on material goods, and we can be more like them and feel closer to them if we purchase the same products. We have an equal right to purchase anything we want, just like the rich.
We live in a classless, consumerism-based society. You can demonstrate your individualism by purchasing exactly the same consumer goods as the well-to-do everyone sees on TV.
Celebrity television shows us a way to identify with the rich. If we can identify with them, we can demonstrate that they are like us, and we are like them. We buy the same consumer products; we have the same trials and tribulations; we feel the same pain.
When we hear the rich talk about their lives, we feel a sense of intimacy with them. When I see a picture of a rich celebrity having a “bad hair” day in a magazine, I feel like we are similar.
The rich are eager to cross class boundaries, and are open, kind, and vulnerable.
March 25, 2007
Week 3 at Willink
There are four regular Math 7 blocks, and we are moving through a unit focused on the Pythagorean theorem. All of the classes have their own personality and student culture. It's great that they are all less than 20 students - it really helps me in trying to make individual connections with each student. That isn't yet the case in the BIG Math 7 accelerated class, with 36 students. For whatever reason, the jump from 20 to 36 feels larger than 80% (i.e. (36-20)/20 x 100) - however, they are all very bright, focused and easy to work with.
So bright, in fact, that my first accelerated block on Tuesday had only enough material for about 50 minutes. Andy helped me out with some additional material focused on slopes, and it worked out OK. The following day, he really pushed me to do more planning during our planning time, and I'm so glad he did. We had a short but extremely valuable and focused conversation on the accelerated unit, which is about linear systems. I was floundering a little, and that conversation and 2 hours of work really helped it all to make sense and allow me to see the big picture.
The end result was that I over-corrected a bit, and had TOO MUCH stuff for the next accelerated lesson on Thursday. I then tried to go with the planned worksheet which I hadn't quite prepared them for yet. My key learning from those two lessons? - be very cognizant of sequencing, and making sure each detail is taught before you ask the students for performance. It's very easy to leave out a detail here and there that seems obvious to us, but can create a gap in a student's understanding.
March 24, 2007
What a Week!
March 18, 2007
Week 2 at Willink
All the students know I will be taking over tomorrow, and the party was a good way to transition, and a good way to get to know the students on a more personal level.
I've got detailed plans together for the first 2 blocks - tomorrow is the first full teaching day and I didn't want to go too far until I have a sense of the pacing. The first unit for the Math 7 class is the Pythagorean theorem, with algebra patterns and linear relationships for the accelerated class.
I can't believe 2 out of the 7 weeks have already passed, and I'm sure will go even more quickly now that I'll be teaching full time.
March 11, 2007
Tangerine - Part 2
Paul’s initiation into how the game is played doesn’t take long. After Tino is thrown out of the first game against Palmetto Middle School, Coach Bright puts him in, but NOT in goal! No matter, and Paul doesn’t let on he’s never considered anything but goal. Unfortunately he blows a big chance for the tying goal, which is followed by a friendly death threat from Victor.
We see something really unexpected from Paul when right after he blows the chance for the goal and gets Victor’s reminder that he blew it and it could cost them the game, someone smears mud in HIS EYES! Paul goes nuts, jumps on the players back and starts punching away, a la Tino. So ends Paul’s playing time in game number one, but his fight earned him respect and made him one of the War Eagles, not to be messed with. Is this the real Paul coming out, fitting right in with the War Eagles?
We see a glimpse of evil in Erik and his friend Arthur when they see Paul’s friend Joey, calling him “Mohawk Man’s brother”. Mohawk Man is a reference to Joey’s dead brother Mike, who had half his hair burned off his head by the lightning strike that killed him. Nice boys they are, that Erik and Arthur. I have a feeling we’ll see just how evil Arthur might be later in the book.
Paul tries very hard to help out his friend Joey, and convinces him to transfer to Tangerine with him so he can be in the same classes and on the soccer team. This does not go well at all, and we find that Joey’s anger (certainly connected to his brother’s tragic death) is directed at everyone, including Paul. Joey needs the comfort, familiarity, predictability, and blandness of Lake Windsor Downs and Lake Windsor Middle School.
This is Different
I have met a total of 111 new students this past week, spread across 4 blocks of Math 7 and 1 block of accelerated Math 7. The entire week was spent on review for the upcoming state test on Tuesday and Wednesday. I did have a chance to teach 2 mini-lessons to the accelerated class on Tuesday and Thursday. They were very short, about 10 mintutes each, but allowed me to get my feet wet. Most of the remaining time was helping out as much as possible in the classroom while Andy reviewed material for the test.
I was able to get a firm understanding of Andy's system for standards based assessments, grading, homework assignments, and so forth. In addition, a big part of the culture at WMS is the concept of a team of teachers spending time together to plan and discuss students. WMS is divided into 3 "houses" of about 330 students each, with about 110 in each grade 6,7, and 8. The math, science, english, and social studies teachers, plus a consulting teacher, constitute the Red 7 team. We meet every day for at least 30 minutes, and also eat lunch together. It's a very collegial atmosphere.
The students are very respectful and well behaved. I don't believe there will be any issues of classroom management when I take over teaching on March 19. I'm already planning and I hope to have the complete plan reviewed by Andy and ready to go for the five full weeks I'll teach.
One key observation about 7th graders - keep the energy level up, and they will respond. However, even during extended periods of somewhat tedious review, Andy acknowledged that fact and thanked the students for sticking with it.
Finally, this past week has me questioning where I would really like to teach. I left SWW thinking "I could teach here", feeling that having my own class right from the beginning of the year would result in less classroom management issues, less personal conversations during class (which was the biggest issue), and more motivation. It was frustrating at SWW in that many of the students didn't seem to care much about the content, and they let you know it, but I think with more time I could get increased student engagement and achievement.
I'm sure the younger age at WMS is a factor, but nearly all the students seem to be very motivated and want to succeed - they are an eager and less skeptical audience than at SWW, and it seems like a more pleasant atmosphere. I'm sure the contrast is so stark since I went from one world to another from a Friday to a Monday, but if I had to choose now, I don't know what I would prefer.
More to come on the differences in school and personal culture as the weeks pass.
March 5, 2007
Block 2, Day 1
It's a beautiful, new school that opened in 2001. There are about 1000 students in grades 6,7, and 8, but they are divided into a house system of about 330 each, and about 110 in each grade. I'll get to teach every one of those 110!
The students and culture are much different than School Without Walls. Not only are the kids much younger, they all seem to be age/grade matched more than the population at SWW, so they seemed REALLY young. The culture is also very rigid - 4 minutes between classes, agendas required for all students, and so on.
Another key difference is the focus on the preparation for the NYS Math 7 test that is coming next week. This is a really big deal - a lot of review is going into it, and Andy structures the lessons and assessments just like the test. Since the test is standards based, he has every question linked to a particular standard, and graded similarly. It seems to be a very rigorous and focused curriculum.
March 4, 2007
1st Placement - In the Books!
I focused on permutations and combinations on Monday and Wednesday, and things went pretty well. On Friday, I briefly touched on the multiplication counting principle as a lead in to a blackjack probability experiment. I had hoped to go more deeply into the probabilities of the game, but the two lost snow days made a difference. We computed the theoretical probability of getting a blackjack with a shuffled deck and a 2 card deal, which turns out to be 4.8%. Then in pairs, students shuffled and dealt 50 times and recorded whether or not they got a blackjack. Theoretically, you should expect about 2.5 blackjacks per 50 deals, and the numbers ranged from 1 to 6 in both classes. But when combining the data, the morning class ended up with 4.7% (wow!), with about 6% in the afternoon class. Overall, it was a really good example of the numbers working out pretty well!
I had the opportunity to remove my first student from class on Friday. A young lady was reading the newspaper (!), and after a minute or two I asked her to please put it away. A minute or two later I asked again, she made no attempt to do anything, and I was committed. I asked her again, and reached for the paper, at which point she slapped her hands down on it to prevent me from taking it. Then I calmly directed her to leave the room, go to the principals office and explain to him what happened. She packed up and left. My SBE didn't get involved, but did offer to see her advisor and asked him to speak with her. The advisor did and in consultation with my SBE, her punishment is to attend a TI calculator event on Saturday, March 24. Apparently they also had a conversation to the effect of "you can decide for yourself whether you want to apologize". I saw her a number of times in the hall and she apparently decided not.
This particular girl has numerous home and personal issues, and was only in about 50% of the classes. While in class she often displayed indifference, poor attitude, anger, and so forth. My take on the whole situation is that she is not atypical of urban students, with little social or family support, and they feel they are always being attacked. As teachers we just have to keep trying with students like this. If it wasn't my last day, I would have tried to find out a little more detail about what makes her tick, and try to make some sort of connection. But reading a newspaper in class is clearly off the table!
February 20, 2007
During Reading Strategy - Text Coding
Text coding is a quick way for students to become conscious of and to record mental responses to their reading. (Daniels & Zemelman, "Subjects Matter")
Here is my personalized version of text codes, along with two sample pages from Tovani:



Pre-Reading Strategy - Anticipation Guide
Tovani Chapter 5 – “Why Am I Reading This?"
1) Pretend you are asking your students the following questions:
- Have you ever been assigned a reading, and before you even started, you were asking yourself “Why am I reading this?” or “Why do we have to read this?”
- Have you ever started reading something and wondered “Why am I reading this?” or “What does THIS have to do with any part of my real life?”
What do you think their answers would be?
2) When you assign your students a reading, do you have difficulty deciding what the instructional focus should be? In other words, what is their purpose for the reading?
3) When you begin a reading for yourself, do you know your purpose? Do you have an unconscious, unstated purpose?
4) What do you think happens when your students don’t have a purpose for their reading?
February 19, 2007
Tangerine - Part 1

Now of course we are all dedicated and passionate learners, and we wouldn’t really hope that our school would fall into a hole, and we know it would be expensive, and we wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, but….
Tangerine IS weirder than it looks, and smells, and sounds, and feels. I can smell the muck fires burning, I can see the thunderstorms building, I can hear the earth opening up, I can feel the sorrow of the Costellos when they lose their son. I can also feel the hope for a new start that Paul feels when he sees the opportunity to leave the strangeness of Lake Windsor Middle School, and his IEP, behind him for Tangerine Middle.
I made two moves when I was a kid. The first one was when I was in first grade, and the way I felt is still with me. Everyone was new, I was nerdy, I was picked on. I still remember one kid, named Bobby, who used to pick a fight with me every day as soon as we crossed the street on the way home. I still get that sick feeling in my stomach when I think about it, and that first move happened in 1964.
I think Paul has his Bobby, or I had my Erik. The person you hated to see, but you knew he wouldn’t go away. He would be there every day waiting to make himself feel better by making you feel worse. The crazy thing is I ended up having Bobby for a friend several years later, but what happened after that I don’t recall. I made another move to a new school in seventh grade and maybe he disappeared from my life then.
Paul Fisher is going to get a new start, on his own terms, at Tangerine Middle.
February 18, 2007
One Week Left
The unit I had planned on probability is well behind where I wanted to be at this point - we've only had 6 classes and I had hoped to be well into permutations and combinations.
I've done a few things as preparation for the permutation and combination material, and relating it to playing blackjack. I assigned a short reading describing the rules of blackjack, and a reflection that asks for the rules was also a part of the assignment. Also, last week we used about 45 total minutes of class time to watch an episode of the CBS show "NUMB3RS", in this case an episode based on a blackjack card counting ring. In the final week of class I hope to leverage that background and use a simple strategy and support it by calculating the probability of winning with it.
The grades on the first quiz were not encouraging, especially since most of this basic material is common sense. A total of 16 out of 34 students managed a 6 out of 9 or greater. On Friday, they corrected their quizzes, and a retest is required for those with less than 6. This provides an additional opportunity to demonstrate their learning. I've also set up 3 lunch hours that will act as problem solving sessions and the students must attend 2 out of 3 to be eligible for credit in this unit.
The resistance to doing anything over the winter break was fierce. Two short readings, and an associated written assignment for each, both intended to fill in some of the gaps regarding probabilities. One reading was about the chances of winning the lottery, and how those odds are calculated. The other reading was a good explanation of permutations and combinations. I hope they will take a shot at some slef-directed learning for these topics - there are only 3 classes left, and I'll have to use at least part of one for another quiz.
There were quite a few students out on Friday - not surprising, after two more snow days and a vacation coming up. Three students also skipped the afternoon class, and Larry notified their advisors.
February 11, 2007
Last week I had desks in rows, and the students were quiet as mice. My thinking was putting the desks back in groups wouldn't be a major problem. In retrospect, I should have gone more than one class with desks in rows to establish more of a pattern of good behavior. Friday was the worst, and I must have said "please no talking", "please no personal conservations", or variations thereof 100 times. For now, the desks go back in rows. They would be that way for Monday's quiz anyway, but I'll keep them that way at least through Wednesday. From Wong's First Days of School:
"Students must sit in such a way as to accomplish what you want them to accomplish"
The observation comments by my SJFC supervisor and by my SBE were honest and constructive, and include a number of tips to reduce the chance of similar management issues in future classes. I'll admit that Friday was probably the first class where I felt some level of frustration with the kids. One in particular was frustrated with the basic level of the material, even though she had missed 2 out of the 4 classes so far. I haven't received any homework or other submissions from this student, so tomorrow's quiz will be an indication whether she gets it like she thinks.
The last class of the week had a few highlights, in that a student who on Wednesday was almost asking for 1:1 tutoring during class time made a leap of understanding. This particular student made a point of saying "I'm getting this". I won't go into a sappy "this makes it all worthwhile", but it did help cap off the week on a better note.
Losing the 2 snow days have forced me to change the plan for the literacy strategy review targeting the probability reading. I've decided I am going to put together a packet illustrating a thinkaloud, with bubbles embedded on the page as examples of "what good readers do". Also, some additional material about this particular strategy, and a reflection assignment.
February 10, 2007
More About Morals
February 6, 2007
A Balanced Diet
However, back home in the world of math and science, I have my own example similar to the exiting storyline that was developed for the book E=MC2, as described in D&Z chapter 4.
One of my favorite books, which I have read at least 3 times since it was published in 1986, is by Richard Rhodes and is titled The Making of The Atomic Bomb. It is non-fiction, supported by hundreds of notes and references, but describes the exciting story of the history of modern physics. As you might expect, the excerpt from D&Z describing Lise Meitner's breakthrough thinking regarding atomic fission is also described in Rhodes' book, although more extensively but with similar passion.
The reading prompted me to pull out this book off the shelf and quote MY favorite part, which begins the book.
In London, where Southampton Row passes Russell Square, across from the British Museum in Bloomsbury, Leo Szilard waited irritably one gray Depression morning for the stoplight to change. A trace of rain had fallen during the night; Tuesday, September 12, 1933, dawned cool, humid, and dull. Drizzling rain would begin again in early afternoon. When Szilard told the story later he never mentioned his destination that morning. He may have had none; he often walked to think. In any case another destination intervened. The stoplight changed to green. Szilard stepped off the curb. As he crossed the street, time cracked open before him and he saw a way to the future, death into the world and all our woe, the shape of things to come.
And the book then leaves you hanging by shifting to Szilard's background and what brought him to that morning's walk. We don't find out for several hundred pages that what Szilard saw in his mind's eye as he crossed the street was the notion of an atomic chain reaction. It was this leap that led directly to the development of nuclear fission and atomic weaponry.
This text has nearly 800 pages of exciting but accurate descriptions of many scenes related to mathematics and physics, and would be a great source of excerpts for secondary level classes.
February 5, 2007
February 4, 2007
An Interesting Week 3
The theft was announced in Thursday's staff meeting, and the reaction of Dan and the staff was interesting. It was clear that things like this are a rare event at SWW, and there was universal disappointment that a SWW student would commit such an act. Dan suggested that all of the extended class teachers bring this incident up on Friday and get student reaction. And that is where the real story begins.
This incident was brought up in Friday's class, and my personal reaction to the students' response was nothing short of shock. Here's why:
- Let's call the victim Mrs. N. Some of the initial comments were "since it was Mrs. N, she didn't deserve it, but if it was Mrs. C, well then that would be different, I wouldn't care at all." The difference here is that an unpopular teacher deserved it.
- What if it was a larger amount of money, say $750 instead of $75? Students indicated then it would have been a bigger deal, and they would have considered it more of a crime.
- When polled about whether they would report any information about this crime if they had it, the nearly unanimous (maybe unanimous, hard to tell) was that they WOULD NOT! Let me repeat - ALL or almost all students stated they would NOT REPORT ANY INFORMATION ABOUT A THEFT IN THEIR SCHOOL!
A short discussion followed, centered around "snitching", the famously urban characterization of providing information about a crime or criminal behavior. Most students apparently truly believe that being a snitch is a bad thing, and whatever moral code they are following or have been taught apparently ignores any moral absolutes in their behavior for this case.
Factors like peer pressure were not accounted for in this fully open poll, as students were asked to raise their hand if they would provide information about this incident if they had any. Perhaps a private, anonymous vote would have different results - I hope so. I briefly mentioned to the class that what we just saw was a perfect example fo moral relativism - changing your morals based on the particular circumstances. We then went on to other class business for the day. I have been thinking abaout this since that class, and it needs to be revisited.
January 30, 2007
OK, maybe hate is too strong a word - how about "My experience with recent high school textbooks agrees with Daniels and Zemelman's thinking that Textbooks are Not Enough"?
The example I'm most familiar with from the modern textbook world could have been the example cited in D&Z, which came from an American Association for the Advancement of Science study (Budiansky 2001). The study uses the adjective "hyperkinetic" to describe recent textbook, an apt description that brings to mind excessive or abnormal motion, spasms, and webpage hyperlinking, as in jumping from topic to topic.
The photo is an example from Prentice Hall's New York Math A text, which is one of the texts in use in my student teaching classroom. It has many of the hallmarks of a hyperkinetic text, including lots of color, photos (taking up lots of space while providing no content), a barely related sidebar, in this case a "Technology Hint" meant more as teacher guidance, and a "Try This!" section.
My reaction when I first opened this book was to be confused and overwhelmed, exactly as described by Daniels and Zemelman. The customers for this book (the students, not the textbook adoption committee) must feel at least as overwhelmed, videogame junkies or not. It took quite a while to be able to pull any sensible content out of this monster, and in another point of agreement with D&Z, it jumped from topic to topic almost randomly.
Did the textbook designers and salespeople have actual use in mind, or just sales? Another great observation from D&Z - You never want to see sausages, laws, or textbooks being made! Because the students aren't the customers - the textbook adoption committees in Texas and California are the people that must be served (along with the NYS committees for the our "personalized" version).
But wait! I have good news, in this case at least. The class I am teaching uses this book very sparingly. There is a class set that remains on the bookshelf, and the lessons are taught using the NYS standards aas guidance. Just about the only aspect of this resource that is used are the practice problem sheets from the associated workbooks.
I am in a school that seems to be adhering to the advice provided by D&Z - use textbooks sparingly (as reference books), and provide lots of authentic non-fiction readings - students should be reading the same books adults read. Who knew?
January 28, 2007
Week 2 Reflection
The outside reviewers were recruited through the SWW website and other means, and I also signed up to help on this even though I am currently student teaching. The process was especially instructive since I am able to participate from all points of view.
I particpated in a student's review on Tuesday, both in the preliminary discussions with my SBE and in the post review debriefing with the reviewer, in this case a gentleman who was a CPA, former engineer, and former teacher. The idea of the process is that the same reviewer will meet with the student again in June and comments and assess growth in their protfilio products (and personal growth also). Having an additional adult mentor, especially for students who may not have that advantage at home, is expected to provide significant motivation and committment.
On Friday, I met with two students for portfolio reviews, both 10th graders, a male and a female. There was a wide disparity between the committment, quality, and maturity of the two of them, and illustrates just one of the challenges of urban education. I am anxious for the next meeting to assess the level of growth and committment for both - will the idea of having an additional adult with expectations lead to growth in this student's achievement?
I also had a lot of time to read student submitted research papers, botyh for the TechKnow class and for a SWW requirement - the "Humanities Demonstration" paper. Both of these papers had clear guidelines for the paper's format, and it is amazing to see how difficult it is for some student's to follow it. We had time for several revisions throughout the week, and it is gratifying to see improvement with each cycle. The downside is that this was a special week with time for personal tutoring, and the one on one attention would not always be possible during a regular school schedule.
One of the other reviewers that particpated in the portfolio process is a professor in the UR English Education program, and suggested a writing workshop would be valuable. I plan to follow up on this idea and speak with her about her proposal.
On the planning side, I'm pulling together a unit plan on probability, and also planning for TechKnow. In that class, the students had an assignment for the break to create an accurate, engaging poster advertising a renewable fuel. We will wrap up the energy discussions on Tuesday with a lesson including the viewing of portions of "An Inconvenient Truth".
Ideas for Rules and Procedures
I've decided to create a lesson, or series of short lessons, perhaps with one rule per day that we can discuss and modify, about classroom behavior and procedure. The ideas listed below are based on "actual events":
- Don't leave personal garbage behind
- Bring a pen, pencil, paper to class
- Bring your notebook/journal to class
- Respect others, don't distract, it's everyone's class
- One person leave the class at a time, and ask for permission
- No cell phones visible
- No headphones visible
- Be on time, in seat, ready to work at class starting time
- No use of class PC's during class time unless directed
More on Week 1
My participation primarily was assisting students with in class problems, in this case related to isosceles triangles. Again, this was very similar to the work I did during last semester's observations. On Thursday, I did teach a 20 minute question review session (with no prep or warning) on triangle midpoints for Vicki (another math teacher who was flu-stricken), with questionable success. A good lesson that no preparation is NOT a good thing.
On Wednesday, I had my first FIRST visit with the robotics team at B&L. My role is as a mentor to Bernard on the electrical team. We spent a few hours discussing options for the layout of the robot's electrical components. The team is very enthusiastic, and it's a great program and model for "real life". Teamwork, deadlines, requirements, committment - all required for success.
Other highlights of the week were the use of class time in TechKnow for the "Bonus" energy assignment, which required creating a ppt show describing at least 12 of the 22 chapters from "The Energy Story", a California state sponsored website.
GRDG534 Double Entry Journal Assignment

A "so what" is another way of asking for inferential or critical thinking in the response, and is a suggestion that comes from Tovani's "Do I Really Have to Teach Reading?"
Click to enlarge........
January 21, 2007
First Week
I felt like I stepped right back where I left off at the end of last semester’s observation at School Without Walls. The whole experience has been and hopefully will continue to be much less stressful than dropping into a brand new school. I have a reasonable knowledge of the students and my SBE Larry Federman, and this will be a great way to build on the observation experience.
The schedule is the same as during the observation – 1 hour geometry classes at 9:15am and 1::00pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; the TechKnow extended class 4 days a week totaling 6.5 hours; the robotics class meeting from 2-2:30 in school, followed by a trip to Bausch & Lomb for a 3 hour session beginning at 3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. The full SWW staff meets on Thursdays from 10:30am – 12:30pm. I plan to observe in the classrooms of the 2 other math teachers as time allows during the next 6 weeks.
My first day was a Tuesday, and the only class is a two hour session of the TechKnow class. The students are running a “class snack shop” to raise money for class activities, and today’s lesson was an interdisciplinary exercise in determining pricing for the newly acquired inventory. The class includes students from freshman through seniors, and there is a wide range of mathematical ability present.
As part of this class, I assigned a “bonus” assignment related to forms and sources of energy. This requires a little review. Last semester I taught a short unit based on material from New York State Energy Smart Students. I attended a seminar in February 2006 sponsored by this organization, which is part of the national organization NEED.ORG – National Energy Education Development, and received a bunch of free curriculum materials and educational kits.
The reason I had the opportunity to teach this unit was that Larry was called to jury duty, and asked if I would like to teach for that week. I pulled some additional material together, but primarily leaned on the pre-made curriculum, which included a significant amount of group and individual work. This would have been more effective if I had had a rubric of expectations ready to go at the beginning of the class. I think many students were taking it as a week off with Larry out. The bottom line is that the level of response for the required materials, as defined by a portfolio list, was quite low. Larry asked me to put together an additional assignment for the class to cover the material from last semester. As I no longer had the borrowed NEED.ORG materials, I created a Webquest type assignment, with parts 1 and 2 due at the end of the week, and parts 3 and 4 due later.
Larry and I then spent some time discussing where I could best fit into the geometry curriculum, and since there are no classes next week for all the students, that eliminates an additional week from my options. Larry suggested that I prepare for and teach a full unit on probability, which will really be fun since it allows the opportunity for many types of lessons, including manipulatives, games, and so on.
More on the rest of the first week soon.....
January 15, 2007
Finally We Begin
My initial placement is with the same teacher whose classroom I observed during the past Fall semester, Mr. Larry Federman, at the School Without Walls. It should allow for a much richer experience, given that I know Larry and I should know most of the students.
The only class Larry actually has scheduled on Tuesdays is a 120 minute block of "TechKnow", his extended class. At SWW, extended classes meet for a total of 6.5 hours per week, and form one of the key differences at this alternative school.
I've put together a "bonus" assignment related to energy sources and alternative energy. It's a bonus in the sense that while I observed in the Fall, a taught several classes while Larry was on jury duty, and the level of effort and quality in the returned student work was not the greatest. Larry suggested I create some additional tasks for those who want to bump up their grade for the end of the quarter on 1/19.
I also hope to implement class blogs, modeled on a teacher from Winnipeg, Manitoba - Darren Kuropatwa. His class blogs have been underway for several years, and are especially useful as a tool to allow students to reframe and paraphrase the daily lesson. The goal is to provide enough clear information and content to allow a student who may have been absent to understand the material. Students are also expected to review and comment on the daily "scribe" post, reinforcing everyone's understanding.
My effort at student blogging is centered around a "Home Base". Much more on this later.