This is an example of a double entry journal. The left column is a direct quote from a reading, in this case from chapter 12 of "Subjects Matter". The right hand column may contain a number of responses or reactions to the reading, including questions, connections or a "so what?"
A "so what" is another way of asking for inferential or critical thinking in the response, and is a suggestion that comes from Tovani's "Do I Really Have to Teach Reading?"
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A "so what" is another way of asking for inferential or critical thinking in the response, and is a suggestion that comes from Tovani's "Do I Really Have to Teach Reading?"
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I'm glad you're going to revisit the reading assignment and do some modeling. As expert learners we often take it for granted how to approach a text, but as D&Z point out math texts in particular represent a unique set of challenges. Tovani has some good ideas for helping us and students "push through" difficult texts. I hope her ideas combined with D&Z help you support your students' learning of the content.
I have been visiting various blogs for my term papers writing research. I have found your blog to be quite useful. Keep updating your blog with valuable information... Regards
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